Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sick in Bed

Elliott is sick in bed....He has been running a high fever for the past 2 days, has body aches, and chest congestion. He has had to miss the last 2 days of classes. Please keep him in your prayers. Pray for his healing, and pray against discouragement in his heart. It is really hard for him to be missing out on all that is going on, relationships, and the valuable teaching. It looks like he will be out again tomorrow because his fever hasn't broken yet. I would also appreciate your prayers for my health, that I do not catch what he has (we are staying in a small hotel-like room). Needless to say, I am constantly Lysol-ing and drinking lots of Emergen-C!

The first 2 days of teaching have been AMAZING. I am learning that the mission field is going to be much more difficult than we expected, but also much more rewarding and fulfilling at the same time. Yesterday we took a test to find out how we are orientated...time vs. event, concealing vulnerability vs. revealing vulnerability, individualistic vs. group orientated, planning ahead vs. dealing with things as them come. Once we evaluated ourselves, we then evaluated our new country and saw where there is going to be potential conflict, and need for change (on our parts). I found out that I am very different from the DR as I am more time/planning oriented, and they are event/"go with the flow-ers." It is so good for me to recognize this before entering the field so that I am not "blind-sided" by it which can cause frustration, anger, depression, etc.

That is just one small example of all we are learning here. So far the time here has been invaluable to our longevity and enjoyment on the field!

1 comment:

Michelle Sterchi said...

You know we are praying for Elliott's recovery and for you to stay healthy Lindsay!!! Keep trusting in the Lord, He is with you, this has not caught Him by surprise. He will use each day for good and for His glory. We are so thankful for your time there and all you have experienced so far. Lindsay ... I know you'll be a great tutor for El, enjoy. Love you, MOM